Attack articles should be illegal. The link at bot
Post# of 151404

People that lost money on this attack should be able to sue the author and the publisher for losses or as a class action suit of some kind. It’s just not fair.
It’s like robbing the small investor to reward the big investor. It’s not cool any way you look at it. I personally didn’t sell and don’t use stop losses. I have never sold a share. I am in for the long ride myself. Articles like the link below are just to scare the short term just learning investor. This stock is going to be just fine. The mechanism of action is the science and the proof. Ask the professor DR Patterson if the science is real...
Or just watch his Tedx talk and get the gitty feeling that I did from a third party advisor to CytoDyn that only tells the truth.
Thanks Boredlawyer for posting this link: