Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, June 13, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The impact of COVID-19 was furious for the last three months. The economy was on the verge of collapse; people were under stress as they lost their jobs. Every industry experienced this recession. From June 2020, the economy is making a significant comeback, and everything is getting back to its near-normal level. People are resuming their hopes, but they will never forget the active contribution of Don Forman Nissan for the community. He is a successful businessman in the automotive industry, but his charity work makes him more popular in Las Vegas. He created a dedicated team that helped people in dire need of funds and emotional support.

Financial Support for High-School Girls  Don Forman Nissan is a big supporter of education; he made sure that financial support to needy people is available at the right time. He was there for high school girls who had ambitions and passion for education, but they were unable to fund their dreams. The girls felt terrible when they were qualified to attend UNLV, but they didn't have enough financial resources. Don Forman stood by their side; he didn't only offer the required funds for UNLV but also gave them cars, which helped them during their commute.

Stood by the side of Victims of Las Vegas Shooting Don Forman Automotive is a philanthropist, who has a golden heart. People who lost their loved ones in the Las Vegas Strip shooting were feeling depressed and negative. In that time of distress, Don Forman and his team were standing by the side of those victims and their families. United Nissan stopped their business and focused all their efforts on community help. The team of Don Forman offered their helping hands to those who wanted to donate blood. He initiated a Las Vegas blood drive where some dedicated folks from the team picked up blood and delivered it to the facilities where injured people need it the most.  Don Forman is a successful businessman who has gotten name and fame in Las Vegas but globally as he believes in packing back in the society. The team offered rides to the victims and their families in that time of distress. Don set up a central camp that turned into the help centers for people in need.

Dedicated Support for FOX5 Surprise Squad Don Forman United Nissan is a sponsor of the FOX5 Surprise Squad, helping the community in every possible way. This squad is designed to assist people in every walk of life. He financially supports this squad, so in turn, they can make a difference in the lives of people who are facing financial and health constraints. This squad supplies books to students who can't afford to buy them. In the same manner, if some people are in dire need of supplies, this squad works closely with them. It works as the ultimate support center for the people across the city. The active contribution of Don Forman into society is one of the reasons for his success in the competitive automotive industry.

City-Wide Community Charity  Don Forman United Nissan is among those businessmen who always pay back to the society with their charitable work. They never step back from the people who need financial or emotional support. At one point, he offered financial support to students, and at another point, his team arranged camps and outdoor activities for students; so they can study and have fun side by side. 

Promoting the Positivity for Community During Pandemic During COVID-19, lots of people lost their homes, and many became homeless. It was when Don Forman announced on LinkedIn that his team is ready to help homeless people. He offered them shelter and fed them with quality food. Don Forman strongly believes in positivity, so when people were going under depression, he launched a dedicated team. That team works closely with people in need and lets them get through this tough phase of life without feeling stressed and anxious.