Cloudy month The 15% stock drop in May was a bit
Post# of 148341
The 15% stock drop in May was a bit disappointing but was the only downtown month this year which is still up 296% YTD.
The two negative factors where the large sales by the CEO and chairman.
The fact that they exercised warrants to bring cash into the company was a positive but the still unexplained extra millions of dollars of sales by NP beyond what was needed to exercise the option and pay any taxes gave ammunition to the doubters and also simply caused mote than 5 million extra shares to be sold into the marketplace in a short period of time that depressed the price.
The second mistake was the conference call in Tuesday - really not necessary and it caused the stock price to drop below $3.
There are many Positive catalyst In June and I hope they come ttrough and deliver a higher stock price which is needed for an uplist.