$CBDD Company Acquires Swiss Grow Facilities - PR
Post# of 250616

CBD and Hemp oil products company (“CBDD”) that produces and sells Black Pearl CBD and Hemp products and the owner of CBD Social Network, has entered into an agreement to acquire a Swiss cannabis grower.
CBDD expects to close on the purchase CBD Welt 24, GMBH by the end May. CBD Welt 24 owns two Hemp grow facilities in Switzerland. CBD Welt is profitable with expected revenues between $800,000-1,200,000 per year. Revenue fluctuates with the current price of biomass and flower. Switzerland is a new market for CBD, having recently legalized using, manufacturing and growing Hemp. Being multiple years behind USA, there is room for exponential growth.
Swiss Industries Ventures, AG, CBDD’s controlling shareholder, is moving forward with its business plan and is devoting resources to expand CBDD’s revenue stream. “This is only the beginning,” said Marcel Gamma, CEO of Swiss Industries. “We have the business expertise and personnel to make this a success story and we will not rest until we have reached our goals of opening multiple retail outlets, grow facilities, building an extraction lab, and expanding our wholesale operations with CBDD. Swiss Industries is positioning itself as one of the leaders in the Swiss CBD industry and with the help, knowledge and contacts which CBDD brings to the table, we are confident in our success.”