matza - thanks for highlighting the following:
Post# of 32638
“In the coming weeks, VERB also expects to offer a small business version of its verb CRM applications...”
I didn't catch that so I'm glad you brought it up. That is big, as guess what, while the Direct Sales market is big, obviously there are orders of magnitude more small businesses out there that are not in Direct Sales. Soon we will be able to market the small business version of Verb's CRM applications to every small business out there. I am sure everyone knows some small businesses that might interested in what Verb's CRM platform can do for their sales and visibility. Once it is out there, I plan to contact small businesses that I know of, that might benefit from it. Up until now, I really had no contacts in the Direct Sales industry, and in the education market the local school system is pretty strapped for cash (although in my opinion they don't spend their money wisely) so really there was not much I could do to advertise Verb. However that all changes with the small business non-Direct sales market.
So this is great news, not to diminish the news about the Japanese market, that both Red and Maui did such a great job of explaining how Verb has positioned themselves very well to do business there. Obviously it took a year, to get together a good team of local Japanese salespeople and establish a presence there. So that didn't happen by accident and was careful planning ,and i think took all of us by surprise, and a very pleasant surprise by that.