In actuality, Kay always said no RS at this time..the devil is in the details...RS “at this time”...I’m not at all surprised RS is coming, just thought it would come later on when we actually have revenue to discuss so SP was high enough to RS to dollars....but now we RS to probably about .25-.40 cents...and if we don’t see these “millions” of revenue as promised/discussed by summer, regardless of the “turtle pace” deals kay says (after 20 years), the SP will dwindle to pennies post RS....
Why would Kay pr the whole thing about Zoom and no follow up? Phones were ringing off the hook...stock shot up 90% in 1 day...any follow up??
Where’s CyberC?????
He promised .25 by June!!! He will be right btw....he forgot to mention the RS thou...devil is in the details.