Riddled with contra-factual statements....illegals
Post# of 123789
THIS, on the other hand...….parody and reality are seamless!
Attention all MAGA supporters, Trumpsters, and patriotic amerikans!
Does your governor seem to "care" about saving the lives of citizens in your state?
Does your governor claim "science" is driving their decisions?
Do you yearn to express your god-given right as a Christian, a freedom-loving amerikan, and a MAGA supporter to buy needless and overpriced consumer goods?
Want to "own those libs" and and their fact-based, mamby-pamby, "illness is spread by little invisible bugs" fantasy world they are forcing you to live in?
Hell, just sick of looking at your spouse and kids all day and realizing what a complete mess you have made of your life?
You are not alone!
Get Back To Work Movement
Conspiracy-loving (and bored, and depressed, and angry) conservative amerikans just like you are demanding their Democrat-led state governments allow citizens to leave their homes!
Who are elected officials of a party you didn't vote for to tell you what you can and cannot do in a national emergency under the guise of "saving lives"? They act as if government run by people you don't agree with has any real power or authority!
So, let's talk rationally here for a second, folks.
We know Democrats are trying to pull the wool over our eyes. Let's look at just a few examples of libs trying to spread lies to the amerikan people. They have tried to get us to believe that:
* Black & brown people have the same moral worth as human beings as white amerikans,
* poor people are something other than lazy,
* people who commit crimes should have "rights",
* global climate change is both real AND caused by humans (when we know it is just a Chinese hoax),
* reasoning with children is somehow better than beating them with brushes and belts to make them behave,
* women have rights outside of the home.
Liberal lies! And the so-called "Corona Virus" is no different. Think about it - are you really going to believe that some little organism that you (oh so conveniently) can't see could kill a big human being? Does that make any sense? Of course not!
What do these egghead liberal scientists know anyway, with all their learnin' and studyin' and such. Facts and truth come from opinion - from your gut and imagination - not from some book or repeated testing or sci-ence.
If you really want to show them liberals a thing or two, don't just demand to leave your house. Really show them you are not buying their crap any more.
I am writing to bring you this special offer from the RNC and Donald J. Trump himself! Here's what you do...
1) Visit www.liberaltearsforjesus.com
2) Make a $100 donation (or more) to the "Trump for Dictator" campaign.
3) Request the "Liberal Corona Virus Tears" offer.
4) Choose your liberal tear type (liberal tears shed in rage, embarrassment, pain, or the ever-popular "sorrow for the future of our country" tears).
5) In 4-6 weeks, you will receive - directly from DJT - actual liberal tears he collected from Corona Virus patients he visited.
6) Mix those tears in your favorite food or beverage, or just drink 'em straight. Taste that salty goodness! Great for gifts as well. Give them to all your conservative, Trump supporting friends! Be the first at your country club to call out the liberal lie of viruses!
Request your liberal tears today!
(This is a limited time offer. Void where prohibited by law. Amerikan residents only. DJT not responsible for illness or death resulting from tear injestiom...or responsible for anything else, for that matter. This is an exclusive offer from The Buck Stops Anywhere But Here productions.