UFB. "New" discovery? For 20 years independent researchers and small companies have been screaming that the amyloid drugs were aiming at the wrong target, and that it was problems with glucose metabolism that caused Alzheimer's. There's even a nutraceutical approved by the FDA that attempts to help this (it's basically a powdered, easy-to-administer MCT oil) -- and there are hundreds or thousands of people posting anecdotal evidence about MCT and coconut oil helping slow the decline. (The theory is that, unlike other cells, brain cells can use medium-chain triglycerides for energy -- that Alzheimer's is caused by the brain slowly starving to death because of problems with glucose metabolism.)
Well, surprise surprise. Emory University finally did a study, and came up with the conclusion that "no one thought of before" -- that it's problems with glucose metabolism that are at least a factor in, if not the cause of, dementia. Utterly infuriating. Researchers have been denied funding for decades, even though they knew that this pathway needed to be studied.