$TSOI - Dr. Patel's tweet Dr Amit Patel @Docto
Post# of 144426
Dr Amit Patel
Congratulations to our multi-institutional team who received FDA IND clearance for off the shelf umbilical cord MSCs to treat #covid19 #ARDS in a repeat dosing strategy #msc #jadicell
This is not a CELZ product - imo
Must be for TSOI , since TSOI is already involved w/ Covid-19 .
TSOI has the NLRP3 Trifecta,which is for Covid-19
NLRP3 is a protein activated by corona viri that in turn results in a cytokine storm that invades the epithelium cells in the lungs, leading to respiratory distress. Therefore it seems obvious that anything you can do to inhibit NLRP3 is beneficial in reducing the potential of a cytokine storm. NanoPSA is a blend of NanoStilbene, which contains nanoparticle pterostilbene, a potent inhibitor of NLRP3, and glucoraphanin, a precursor to sulforaphane, another potent inhibotor of NLRP3, and with the addition of GTE-50, which provides 500mg of EGCg (epigallocatechingallate) in each serving, with EGCg also being a potent inhibitor of NLRP3 - therefore we have named this the NLRP3 Trifecta for the tri-syngerism these three unique molecules provide.
And TSOI has a new product CovidMune in the works .
and a CovidMune Twitter Acct up and running: