That Modly scumbucket just issued an apology
Post# of 123830
Acting @SECNAV just issued an apology to the Navy for his comments today.
I kinda figured he would because LOSER45 seemed a bit sheepish about the affair at his rally this afternoon and most likely forced him into it
Nevertheless, fuck you all
4. F..K that. He flew all the way to Guam to chastise the crew for supporting the Captain
and to engender favor with Trump--during a damned pandemic during which hundreds have become ill on that carrier. He didn't go to try to help the situation but to cover his own ass.
His apology comes only because he "naively and stupidly" did not think his own blustering unprofessional spew would become public.
He should be dismissed IMO.
44. Thought the same.
Can not imagine the uproar at the Navel Academy today after this FUBAR.
It is all about your Graduation ranking in all the services,especially in the Navy.
My guess is,Modly got reamed Royally by his Classmates which means his Career in the Navy will end shortly
22. Here's how this "apology" played out. King Tangeranus realized very quickly how
absolutely horrifically this was playing across the board, with people from all walks of life. He knew he couldn't get away with blaming it on the "fake news", "do-nothing Democrats", or any of his usual punching bags. He quickly formulated another cowardly exit strategy, just like he did in all of his failed marriages and businesses. The original Modly statement was completely his own handiwork, and now Modly is walking the plank like a good little soldier...I mean, sailor.