Pink sheet blues, lets recap where we are and why. When managment decided to go Dark(pink sheet non reporting) We willinglly and practally cut ourselves off from money that matters. We have no help from banks or brokers we are whats known as an orphan stock. In the past most companies who choose to go dark have some sort of recapitalization plan.Going pivate,or abuy-out. or just being redused to a shell.Management here has just decided to do nothing and continue trading as if nothing has happened.This is more common now then just tens years ago. its cheaper to do this and its legal as long as the board of diretors does not profit from any deal the company may get involved in more than the shareholders do. This is a thin line now between legal and a lawsuit for investors. The companies numbers are low enough to allow what the board is doing but how large will the royalities be? and is it still in the shareholders intrest to stay dark? other persons besides myself have noticed odd numbers in the bid and ask size and large numbers of shares have been exchanged without price movement. This happens every day where outside market players are allowed special pricing and we in the market dont makers have many tricks including faking the bid and ask size to try and make people read into whats being offered. maybe thats whats going on here or maybe .......?