Buy-back of shares in Festi amounted to 2.157.876 shares in week 10 2020:

Week Date Time Number of shares Share price Purchase price Purchased shares
10 03.03.2020 10:01   539.469,00 127,5   68.782.298   539.469,00
10 04.03.2020 15:01   539.469,00 127   68.512.563   1.078.938,00
10 05.03.2020 10:35   539.469,00 123   66.354.687   1.618.407,00
10 06.03.2020 09:46   539.469,00 118   63.657.342   2.157.876,00

This announcement of purchase of own shares is in accordance with Festi‘s buy-back programme announced by notice to Nasdaq OMX Iceland on 2 March 2020.  

Prior to the transactions Festi held 1,000,000 of own shares or 0,3% and holds 3,157,876 shares or 0,96% of own shares after the transactions. The maximum of the buy-back is 5,000,000 shares or 1,5% of issued shares. The buy-back programme is in force until 23 March 2020 which is the date for the Annual General Meeting of the company.

The buy-back programme is carried out in accordance with Chapter VIII of the Act on limited liability companies No. 2/1995 and Annex II to the Regulation on insider information and market abuse No. 630/2005.

For further information contact Eggert Þór Kristófersson, CEO of Festi hf., ( )