UPDATE: Despite Ongoing News of International "Wea
Post# of 35801

SEATTLE, March 06, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Ongoing reports from Hong Kong authorities regarding a lone dog that tested as a “weak positive” for the coronavirus COVID-19, continue to generate concerns and raise questions from responsible pet owners around the globe.
Trupanion , a leader in medical insurance for pets is seeing continued concern from members about what this means. With claims history from over 1.5 million pets and growing, Trupanion continuously monitors new information related to veterinary visits and is seeing no unusual increases or changes in frequency of illnesses to indicate pets are being negatively impacted by the human COVID-19. This is consistent with the reports from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which state there is no evidence to suggest that dogs or other pets can contract or spread COVID-19.
“We are looking for patterns like the frequency of invoices that don’t fit with what we’ve seen over the past 20 years,” said Dr. Steve Weinrauch, chief veterinary officer at Trupanion. “If we notice something that isn’t within the norm we will pass that information along to experts in public health and other partners in the pet health industry and work with them on analyzing the impact of the data.”
Through Trupanion’s veterinary software and partnerships with many of the animal health industry’s leading players, Trupanion has access to real time data before pets even leave the hospital as well as qualitative insights from the veterinary profession. This combination of data, coupled with the unique field-force footprint of the Trupanion Territory Partners based nationally, presents a clear view of the nation’s pet health. Trupanion prides itself on having an early warning system for invoice pattern changes.
Link Welborn, DVM, DABVP, President of Veterinary Study Groups, managing partner of Tampa Bay Veterinary Medical Group, and American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) past President, knows first-hand how reports of potential outbreaks can affect clients.
"Even though we have no reason to believe that pets will become infected with the COVID-19 coronavirus or transmit the virus to people, pet owners are understandably concerned about the unknown,” notes Dr. Welborn. “My clients and I are reassured by the ongoing data analysis being performed by Trupanion and appreciate their efforts to provide all of us peace of mind.”
Trupanion always does and continues to monitor its data and acts as a resource for the pet health community.
There are various sub-groupings of coronaviruses. The term itself refers to the crown-like spikes on their surface. The World Small Animal Veterinary Association outlines the difference between a common coronavirus that may affect dogs and that of the current COVID-19 outbreak, “Canine coronavirus, which can cause mild diarrhea and feline coronavirus, which can cause feline infectious peritonitis (FIP), are both alpha-coronaviruses. These coronaviruses are not associated with the current coronavirus outbreak.”
“To reiterate, there is no evidence to suggest that dogs, or other pets can contract or spread COVID-19,” Weinrauch added. “With regard to coverage, Trupanion covers all new and unexpected accidents and illnesses – regardless of if it is called a pandemic. That’s exactly why we exist, to provide help in times of uncertainty.”
Whether you have insurance or not, if you think your pet is showing unusual signs for anything whether accident or illness, always make sure you reach out to your family veterinarian.
Interviews available Trupanion's Chief Veterinary Officer, Dr. Steve Weinrauch, BVMS, MRCVS and Vice President of Analytics, Mary Rothlisberger, ACAS are always available to share insights or to provide context regarding pet health data as it relates to the extensive Trupanion database of over half a million pets. Please contact mediarelations@trupanion.com for scheduling.
Helpful sources of information https://www.avma.org/blog/what-do-you-need-kn...oronavirus https://www.avma.org/sites/default/files/2020...ummary.pdf https://www.avma.org/sites/default/files/2020...-Notes.pdf https://www.avma.org/sites/default/files/2020...-02-03.pdf
About Trupanion Trupanion is a leader in medical insurance for cats and dogs throughout the United States and Canada with over 500,000 pets enrolled. For over two decades, Trupanion has given pet owners peace of mind so they can focus on their pet's recovery, not financial stress. Trupanion is committed to providing pet owners with the highest value in pet medical insurance with unlimited payouts for the life of their pets. Trupanion is listed on NASDAQ under the symbol "TRUP". The company was founded in 2000 and is headquartered in Seattle, WA. Trupanion policies are issued, in the United States, by its wholly-owned insurance entity American Pet Insurance Company and, in Canada, by Omega General Insurance Company. For more information, please visit trupanion.com.
Contact: Media Michael Nank michael.nank@trupanion.com 206.436.9825
Investors Laura Bainbridge, Head of Investor Relations InvestorRelations@trupanion.com 206.607.1929