I have been in this for a very long time, and I have come to the conclusion that these buyout deals are done in a very narrow window of opportunity. It seems like some of these biotechs are designed to be bought out, if you are outside that mold you can forget it. Cytodyn had a technology the originally was passed over and old news. Reviving a product and developing it way past the "has potential" phase ended up with a company that skipped right over the buyout opportunity.
I don't doubt for a second that a buyout could happen at any time, but it is much clearer what this product is and what its potential is. The price is already beyond any mid to large BP M&A capability, only the few larger BP can even think about it. Additionally, buyouts are a very corporate politics driven process, if an executive does not get the inside relationship to advance themselves from a deal, it does not go far.