The flu virus and the coronavirus are very differe
Post# of 72444
What we know is that Brilacidin is a powerful anti-inflammatory and antibiotic.
Brilacidin per se (not some other defensin mimetic) seems likely to help with the EFFECTS of a viral infection -- the tremendous inflammation that can lead to multiple organ failure, and the secondary bacterial infections which are often what really kill a flu patient (and possibly the coronavirus patients -- we don't know enough yet to be able to say that).
As far as this "the flu kills more people than coronavirus" argument -- that is utter nonsense.
When people compare the death rate of a virus that has been well entrenched since last SEPTEMBER -- so has had 6 months to infect millions of people -- and a virus that has only been present in the U.S. for 6 WEEKS and has thus far only infected less than 100 people (that we know of) in this country -- that's absurd. Let's see what the statistics are in 6 months. I bet people will not be so sanguine about the "flu is worse" BS argument.
Here's something else for you to think about -- the death rate for the flu is a completely bogus figure.
They guess at how many people got the flu, based on hospital admissions. When you get sick, do you get a flu lab test to see if that's what you have, or if it's some other virus? Most people don't, because it doesn't matter anyway. You're sick, you need to either take an anti-viral like Tamiflu, or wait it out and hope you don't get really sick.
But then, going from NOT KNOWING how many flu cases there actually are -- when someone goes into the hospital after having been sick, and then dies from (typically) pneumonia, they ASSUME that this was a complication from flu. So if someone dies of pneumonia or multiple organ failure in a hospital during flu season, it is ASSUMED that it's attributable to flu -- even if it's not. There are plenty of other ways to get pneumonia.
So, you have a bogus made-up number of cases, and then more deaths are attributed to flu than are actually CAUSED by the flu, and voila ! ! ! Look at how dangerous flu is ! except that we have no idea of the true death rate.
And we don't know how many "flu" deaths were actually coronavirus. If it's been here for at least 6 weeks, some of those "pneumonia" deaths may have been from coronavirus.
"There are 3 kinds of lies -- lies, damned lies, and statistics." -- Mark Twain.