You're Next Are you a Republican currently in
Post# of 123884
Are you a Republican currently in office? You might want to lay low from here on in, because you just might have a target on your back.
Have you ever hinted that Trump may not be 100% right about everything he’s ever said or done? Time to update that resume – because you might be next in line to be looking for a new job.
Have you ever snickered at Trump’s tweets about wind turbines causing cancer, or solar energy meaning your electricity shuts down at sunset? Time to call your friendly head-hunter, and inquire as to what positions might be available outside of a career in government.
Snicker? Wet your pants laugh at.
Have you ever questioned your “pResident’s” truthfulness? Time to start perusing the want ads in your local paper. The position of Walmart greeter might still be available – because after Trump starts tweeting about you, that might be the only job you can get.
Have you ever looked askance at your Lord & Master’s make-up and hairdo, surreptitiously giggled at his mangling of the English language as he drones on endlessly about subjects he obviously knows nothing about? Your head might wind up on a pike as a result.
And there are also sins of omission. Have you failed to retweet one of his inane covfefe tweets, or spoken about him without referring to him as the “greatest president ever”? Have you not bowed lowed enough when he enters a room?
Trump has claimed that as “pResident”, he can do whatever he wants – and by ‘acquitting’ him, you confirmed that he can.
Trump already knows that Democrats despise him and, as such, he expects their disrespect. But he can – and undoubtedly will – destroy any Republican whose loyalty he has demanded and suddenly finds questionable. That puts YOU in the direct line of fire.
Maybe he’ll start having senators and congress members escorted out of their offices. Maybe he’ll ‘fire’ governors and mayors across the country.
And don’t say “he can’t do that” – because you’ve now put the power to do “whatever he wants” in his tiny little hands.