$BLIS' business plan uses exploration, survey and
Post# of 37417
BLIS has entered into a purchase agreement for data and coordinates from shipwreck scans and technical mapping covering up to 60-mile-long areas off the east coast of Florida. The scans and data represent years of work in an area with hundreds of known wrecks, many being historical and unexplored.
Recovery from Suspected 17th Century Shipwreck with Claim Filed
On December 13th BLIS announced a recovery of artifacts from its initial dives on the previous scanned areas, including a suspected 17th century shipwreck. Among items recovered was a cannon from the period and an anchor. With other research complete, the geographic parameters of the area to be claimed in a U.S. Court Admiralty have now been established. Pending a successful claim, BLIS will be in control as a salvor, and can reduce the wreck and cargo to its possession in the court.