Facts .. the minute the 8K is filed by P2O t
Post# of 43065
the minute the 8K is filed by P2O
that X buyers' feedstock has been successfully processed
by 3/Flagship .. P2O (that is the company .. PTOI is the stock)
becomes a buyout target ..
that is a fact .. the obvious acquirer is either big oil or a waste management co.
less obvious are companies *redefining* the future like Amazon
here are a few other *facts*
P2O was issued a Patent from Canada in December 2018
PTOI had the first 1M+ volume day in January 2019 (54% hidden) since June 2017
A private company within this emerging sector had a value assigned for its
first site install in April 2019
P2O filed an 8K in July 2019 .. indicating a time line (12.31.20)
PTO filed an 8k in October 2019 re: Nulixo
PTOI had 24M~ in *volume* YTD (2019) .. more *volume* than was done
in 2018/2017/2016 and 2015
P2O has outlasted NR (non retail) for very specific reasons
founder's tech
CEO's $infusion
documentation (not mine)
actual P2O investors .. who allowed for capital .. not tainted by a rigged system
it's why 449 *certs* matter vs the 1 held via a CE (colluding entity) the DTC
OTC targets are fungible and apparently always have been .. hindsight is 20/20
there is a reason that NR and sub tiers *quote* a stat of 99% via the vehicle of choice for OTC stock manipulation
it's the 1% that outlasts and executes that costs the embedded UPSIDE DOWN NR .. *problems*
P2O has the total ability to be one of the 1%'rs .. and all with interest know it
P2O (because of the 4 facts noted above) has always had options
with the successful processing of X buyers' feedstock this year .. those options
P2O has .. increase exponentially
imo NR bought a clue in 2019 (hence the *stall* and *volume*)
but there was clearly a buyer (not retail and not embedded NR entity) in 2019
the 640M$ ? is who and why .. I expect we get that ? answered after a few other
*facts* come to pass .. Nulixo's feedstock processed .. and after this becomes *fact*
We expect to sign two municipalities in the first quarter of 2020. Once signed the municipalities will provide the MSW for sorting and processing of waste via biodigestion and plastic to energy conversion, using our partners Redwave and Plastic2Oil, Inc.
i expect 2020 to be as *revealing* as 2019 was ..
