Resolutions at the Annual General Meeting in Eolus
Post# of 35801

Hässleholm, Sweden, January 25 th , 2020.
In accordance with the Board of Directors’ proposal, the Annual General Meeting (“ AGM ”) resolved to declare a dividend of SEK 1.50 per share for the financial year 2018/2019, and the record date for the payment of dividends was set to Tuesday, January 28 th , 2020. The Board members and the CEO were discharged from liability.
Sigrun Hjelmqvist, Hans Johansson, Jan Johansson, Hans Linnarson, Bodil Rosvall Jönsson and Hans-Göran Stennert were re-elected as members of the Board of Directors and Hans-Göran Stennert was re-elected as chairman of the Board. Accounting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers AB was re-elected as the company’s auditor, with authorized public accountant Eva Carlsvi as auditor in charge.
It was decided that fees to the Board of Directors shall amount to SEK 1,250,000 in total, whereby the fee to the chairman shall amount to SEK 375,000 and the fees for each of the other Board members that are not employed by the company shall amount to SEK 175,000. Furthermore, the AGM resolved that the auditor’s fee is to be paid according to agreement.
In accordance with the Nomination Committee’s proposal, the AGM resolved on instructions for appointment of the Nomination Committee and the assignment of the Nomination Committee. The AGM further resolved on new guidelines for remuneration to senior executives in accordance with the Board of Directors’ proposal.
The AGM also resolved on the implementation of a long-term share savings program entailing that all employees within Eolus can choose to use an amount corresponding to a maximum of one month’s salary of their potential variable cash remuneration relating to the financial year 2019/2020 to acquire shares in Eolus. Provided that the participant still holds all of the acquired shares and is still employed within the Eolus group three years after the acquisition of the shares, Eolus will remunerate the participant with an amount corresponding to the cost for acquiring the number of Eolus shares corresponding to half of the number of acquired shares.
In conjunction with the AGM, a seminar on the environment and wind power with the title “The future belongs to the renewables” was arranged with more than 400 participants.
For further information contact:
Per Witalisson, CEO, +46 10 199 88 02 Johan Hammarqvist, head of communications, +46 10 199 88 10
About Eolus: Eolus Vind AB is one of the leading wind power developers in the Nordics. Eolus is active in the whole value chain from development of green field projects to construction and operation of wind farms. Eolus offers attractive and competitive investments in the Nordic and Baltic countries as well as the United States to both local and international investors. Founded in 1990, Eolus has constructed 615 wind turbines with a capacity over 1,200 MW. Eolus has signed contracts for about 1,250 MW of asset management services of which some 690 MW is in operation. Eolus Vind AB has about 17,000 shareholders. Eolus shares are listed at Nasdaq Stockholm Mid Cap.
For more information about Eolus, please visit