Rider with his civility on IHUB What a farce When we were on Ihub we got called LIARS paid pumpers clowns etc etc etc And cant even go to what they call Henry A Scammer POS etc etc etc And they call themselves civil We were the civil ones until they started the name calling and now they dont like it when yoh turn the tables and act like them And then send their cronies over to our board to spread some more of their vulgarities And blame Henry for their failures Nobody told them to buy PHIL or any otber OTC stocks as ALL of them are Lotto tickets Not guaranteed to win on any stock on NYSE NASDAQ and especially the OTC Probably shouldn't be buying stocks And to blame the CEO all day whining because they dont get their way and become an instant millionaire the day after they buy the stock is sickening to listen to everyday They need to grow up and be adults and take their losses like a man instead of blaming everyone else If it was that easy The whole world would be millionaires Instead they cry like 2 year olds all day long blaming everyone else for their failures Grow up