$PBIO From the PR Cancer Research Several publi
Post# of 7060

Several publications reported the use of the PCT Platform to rapidly release molecules for analysis from tissue samples. PCT's ability to help reveal thousands of proteins from small diagnostic samples, such as minute cancer tissue biopsies, could result in better understanding of patients' cancers, disease progression, response to therapy, and treatment options.
Important advancements were published by several groups in the use of the PCT Platform to extract proteins from formalin fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) tissue. FFPE preserved tissue samples are an invaluable resource for retrospective studies of disease progression and response to therapy, because the disease outcome associated with the tissue and patient's treatment history are known. Studies on FFPE samples could accelerate discoveries of new therapies, drugs, and preventive strategies. However, the analysis of FFPE samples has to date been problematic. Significantly, several 2019 publications reported excellent results using the PCT Platform for the extraction and recovery of proteins for analysis from FFPE samples.
One publication described a novel workflow by Dr. Thomas Conrads and colleagues (Inova Women’s Hospital, Fairfax County, VA) that integrated the Leica Microsystems' laser microdissection (LMD) platform and PBI's PCT Platform, enabling micro-scale analytics on a ThermoFisher Scientific mass spectrometry (MS) instrument. Dr. Conrads believes that insights gained from applying this novel workflow could result in significant improvements in the clinical management of gynecologic cancers.
The global cancer biomarker market is expected to exceed $157 billion by 2022 (MarketWatch - January 8, 2019).
Food Safety
Journal publications reported important applications for killing food-borne bacteria, such as salmonella, using PBI's ultra-high-pressure HUB instrument system. In addition, PBI's HUB system was also highlighted in a chapter of a book entitled Advances in Prevention of Foodborne Pathogens of Public Health Concern during Manufacturing. We believe that publications such as these, which highlight the use of PBI's high pressure-based instruments in developing methods to prevent food-borne pathogen outbreaks, will lead to increased sales of our PCT Systems in the very large food safety industry.
According to information on the PHM Laboratory website at Tennessee State University, foodborne diseases cost an estimated 420,000 lives every year around the globe and are collectively responsible for the loss of over 33 million years of healthy living annually. Additionally, one out of six Americans experiences illnesses from these pathogens every year, leading to about 128,000 hospitalizations and over 3,000 deaths annually.