With the powers to be and political nature between what Iraq must do and Iran to save face with their own people it sounds about right however, behind the scenes might be interesting to say the least. If behind the scene is no different politically then America has stamped everything forever. I only say that because the massive pressures and differences in each area as you move through these Countries meaning we could never get all the tiny sectors together to even begin to thing the same in their Country let alone with the USA. If they sincerely want us out then pay for the Military base. If the leader doesn't snap to that and say yes then destroy the base and what ever the USA had built in Iraq. They, even though it probably wasn't the government of Iraq can accept massive pallets of money dropped on air fields more than once then spend it can now chew on what is left of the Military base if the US destroys it.
It appears all this is far more than just a spilled glass of water.
Also our President is starting to cut his own throat by verifying legalities using Tweeter and the democrats will be able to use that against him, in my opinion. He should have never used the word legal notification in any format such as these online accounts. I swear to GOD if he doesn't wise up it may cost us the re-election, damn his mouth at times.