Sure I break my damn RT ring finger knuckle putting Christmas stuff away yesterday or the day prior. Today...actually about a half hour ago we (my wife and I) went to pick up some Homeopathic stuff for one of our kitties we get that walk out to my truck hop in then I look around. I didn't start the truck nor lock door but watched a dude walk near the truck and my wife said why are you waiting. I replied I'm watching to see if this dude wants a hand out or is going to deliver grief. He walked by with no problem and I told my wife I left the Glock at the house heavens if I must ever use it but have been stressed trained which really means little when it comes down to it. I mean once a bullet leaves the barrel you can't put in back in. Anyways I told my wife as she asked what I was doing I said trying to figure out how we both could kick the guys a$$ since my right hand is damaged. I told her crap can happen that quick and I will be damned if I leave that home again without being prepared. As I may have mentioned to you weeks ago and it is a bad Idea I don't chamber the first round as I want a few more seconds before I commit to something that forevermore won't change.