The capital structure has not been announced. The
Post# of 36537
Buildit wrote -
Q for everybody after reading Joe’s quote about NGIO in the recent posts.
Joe initially told us he had spun off a certain percentage of NGIO shares to us in the last dividend (4-5%?). That would jive roughly w 4-5MM div shares based on the GNBT 20-22MM shares outstanding... and a total of ~100MM shares for NGIO. (Exact numbers not that important for the point of this discussion)
But if Joe is still using 100MM shares as an example for discussion purposes in the quote, and we therefore have no defined total shares for NGIO, how is there any way to assess what value, or more appropriately ownership percentage, we would gain from the upcoming div?
Am I misinterpreting this, and the 100MM shares is the official approximate share count target, and only the S-1 offer price is TBD? Or could we get the div shares only to find out that the S-1 really calls for 200MM shares and our ownership % is half what we expected?
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