$HTSC Here to Serve Holding Corp operates as two wholly owned subsidiary companies, ICF Industries Inc, and Novus Ordo Industries Inc. ICF Industries Inc. is a distribution, consulting and sales organization marketing ICF(Insulated Concrete Forms) construction material through its sales offices in Van Nuys, California, Las Vegas, Nevada and Rye Brook, New York. Sales of ICF Block in the U.S alone are expected to exceed $2 billion next year. The need for effective thermal insulation is gaining substantial traction in the cannabis cultivation industry, hotel industry, residential and commercial industries. The demand for ICF Industries Inc's Blocks is skyrocketing. ICF Industries Inc. plans to play a vital role in the cannabis cultivation industry by maintaining thermal insulation and reducing energy costs for the industry by marketing the use of ICF blocks as the revolutionary way to build and has amassed contractors that have been trained to build with ICF(Insulated Concrete Forms). Furthermore, ICF blocks when used by cannabis cultivation facilities are mold free, temperature controlled and resistant to microbial forces which cost the cannabis industry millions of dollars in lost crops per year. Security of the grow is maintained.