Merry Christmas to all. I am giving myself a "healthy" Merry Christmas.I got on the Keto diet a couple of years ago. I reduced my diabetes medications by 66% and lost 15 pounds without even trying. Well, a friend of mine reversed his diabetes 100% with the same diet. Myself I cheat way too much with "sweets". My blood pressure is a bit high and sugar affects that too. This week at my job they had a lot of sweets for the employees as well as I got a box of candy from a neighbor and ate a lot of it. I had a terrible nights sleep,
kind of reached a bottom from this stupidity.
Anyway, I am celebrating my health for Christmas, no sweets and this is my kickoff to a sugar free diet as well as low carb.. I really believe I will need NO diabetes medication in two weeks or less.
They are better ways to snack>>>>>
I mean, how dumb have I been!!!!!!!