Some may be thinking... How did I miss a double
Post# of 32804

How did I miss a double?
On December 3rd VERB announced a deal with Kyani
I figured some potential investors didn't understand the deal so I did do a few posts here about how large these types of deals are
On December 5th VERB closed at .81 on a day with decent volume of 156,156
On December 11th Rory presented at the LD Micro Main Event Conference
On that day VERB closed at 1.12. Up about 40% the week before
This would be a sign the LD Micro Conference went well
On December 12th Rory tweeted this about the day after:
"Truly remarkable day at LDMicro investor conf. The market is beginning to understand how and why we assembled the chess pieces we did. And why the long-game produces the greatest value. I’m going to do a CEO update before year-end. You won’t want to miss this one. Stay tuned."
On December 16th VERB issued a press release that they added a new board member
Stock closed at 1.36, up 70% from Dec. 5th close
But wait, there's more...
On December ?th VERB issued a second press release they added another new board member
On December ?th Rory gave a CEO update
I was going to post earlier this month at these levels, you could easily double or triple your money pretty quickly and then more multiples if you decided to hold. Would be kind of hard to double your investment, flipping pennies at a time, but best to discuss with your financial adviser.