Lucky you!! I tell you what, when I retire, I'
Post# of 27049
I tell you what, when I retire, I'm gonna blow this taco stand for sure.
My parents have been in CA., as kids, since Reagan was Gov. They retired 10 years ago, still living in CA. They want out of Ca. too. They have seen first hand how the commies have ruined the state. Me too, I've lived here all my life.
With the work I do, I'm stuck here until I retire. Income taxes in CA. are 3X more than next door in AZ. Its ridicules.
CA. has a gas tax for road repair. When the then Gov. Jerry Clown introduced an additional gas tax to fix the roads, yes thats a tax on top a of a tax, a reporter asked him where the money went from the already in place gas tax? His reply was, "It went to other things."
So we have a road tax on top of a road tax baked into our gas prices. Among other state gas taxes on the price of fuel as well, of course.
Welcome to Commiefornia: