$LAHO - post from the other board: PROPHET-of
Post# of 27157

PROPHET-of-PROFITS Thursday, 12/12/19 01:01:35 AM
Re: None 0
Post # of 67559
12:30 AM (30 minutes ago)
to me
This has been a hard time for all of us. The SEC’s decision to delist Lans caught us all by surprise. We have a tremendous amount of feedback requested for correspondence. Contrary to some of the contortionist on iHub etc., we still believe in the value of GSCG and stand by our public assessment of the market potential of that deal. We agree though, that we have been so heads down trying to find the best way to take care of ALL our shareholders that we have not put out the clearest communications. We’re working on that part.
There's going to be a shareholder vote on what to do with the MSSV shares that Lans acquired. Only non-insider shareholders will be voting on this. Management will most likely leave the voting period open for a week or two. The objective is to get as many shareholders as possible to participate in the vote.
More will be explained in the coming days when we actual get all the details ironed out with legal.
That’s all we have for now, but please keep an eye on http://lans.holdings/index.html
Thank you for reaching out and thank you for your professionalism…
Investor Relations