Yes thousands i can show you my holdings if you don't believe me and they are in USD so they are like almost millions in CDN which is what i would have converted them from. Anyway your "ploy" talk is pure speculation. Wasn't it Brads plan to remediate the debt anyways and didn't he end up following through on that? Wasn't there talk of a REG A and Saphyr and Swantry and Swanlock and all these other initiatives while Brad was at the helm? Maybe they didn't pan out but at least he was working. All I'm saying is that Mick needs to show us whats up. We haven't heard anything except a few elephant updates, after he said we wouldn't see any more elephants. This is ridiculous I don't know how you can sit here and accept this current state of affairs. You might as well flush your money down the toilet. This mofo should be working his ass off for us or we should be able to fire his ass