$UNVC: “Quiet “ Does not mean I am not taking
Post# of 86434

Don’t worry longs I have a rainbow of dollars for you.
I promised a rainbow, Believe and Trust in me.
Ask pennies get pennies.
Ask dollars get dollars
Low float
Be Smart
Just saying
Foundation has to be solid .
Operations efficient
Closed Distribution complete
Genetics seed to sale
International presence (Euromed)
Supply Chain Management
Research contracts DEA
Last SEC reporting
Time for the change. Univec Conglomerate Inc. You can’t stop it. I promised a rainbow. Everyday opportunity for everyday hardworking people . I won’t fail, never , no way.
Mylan merger into a new company with Pfizer gives worldwide growth. Most do not know that Mylan’s Operations is in Morgantown, W.Va. where West Virginia University is located .
Most do not know that Mylan invested 1 million into one of our early companies.
One more goal accomplished
“ Clinically Proven “
Sometimes to finish first is to be last. Univec Conglomerate Inc. Is the old Univec , but now an integrated powerful entity. It will take others years to duplicate. The Gold Standard
Answer to a Question
I have never sold a share of our company
Remember you get what you ask for
Ask low get low
Ask high get high
Life has choices
PPSI subsidiary of Univec Conglomerate Inc. Patient assistance for those who can’t afford. Access and Change.
Univec Conglomerate Inc. Through our subsidiary PPSI will see our Veterans have access to CBD and Medical Marajuana . Always been part of our plan. Congress didn’t do it. We will make the change. Connect the dot. Yes I am a Veteran. Book it.