IF you really liked research, you would actually d
Post# of 123729
2. Tinder has 10 million active daily users
Dating, finding love, or even a casual hookup, is an idea that appeals to many people. If you don’t have to go through a lot of stress to be able to connect to people, this can also be an added plus.
Tinder’s features have helped the app to build a base of 10 million daily active users. The demographics are 62% male and 38% female and 54% of them are single.
So, that's 3.8 M mostly tattooed non-smiling women, mostly not American... and mostly too young for you.
13. 60% of Tinder users are outside North America
For a service that started in the United States, it wouldn’t be a surprise if the majority of its users are in America. But Tinder has shown its worldwide appeal with 3 out of 5 users outside North America.
18. Half of Tinder users are between the ages of 18 and 24
This age group is usually the most active in terms of dating. Tinder has been able to attract a large number of this age group.
I love how righties ignite their asses on fire, launch into 'get off my lawn' rants, based mostly upon a sad mix of insufficient data, conclusion jumping and sweeping generalizations.