Trading Summary - October 7. Just prior to the
Post# of 4419
Just prior to the open, we had an excellent update in the form of the 17th video confirming that the hemp crop harvest would start in earnest tomorrow and be complete by October 12 or 13.
It was also confirmed that buyers had been found for the hemp flowers at $250 per lb. This is expected to equate to between $3M > $7.5M in revenue depending on the average yield per plant in the 1 lb > 2.5 lbs range.
Again, throughout today, top traders who already had the number of $EVSV shares they needed for a $6-figure profit when the pps is in the $1 > $2 range were occupied most of the time on other runners / reloaders from my Watch List - mainly $TTCM and $MFST - so as to keep earning profits while awaiting the run-up on $EVSV.
At least 4 traders maintained medium size bids - 2 of them at .2850, one at .2855 and one at .2900 - to continue to add small numbers of shares from paint downs.
The obstinate person attempting to hold the stock back failed to cancel his artificially low ask at .3450 - despite the excellent update today. He then tried splitting the undercut amount at .3448 and .3477 as seen last Thursday.
1,500 shares were bought at .3425.
There were no paint down attempts or visible bid fills.
Overall, another 1,500 shares were bought today - all in the "as near to .4000 as makes no difference" range which extends down to .2000 and up to .6000 in pre-r/s terms [.0002 equivalent].
The following items below the line unchanged since the last Trading Summary:
The 2019 Q2 was filed on August 7, 2019 in a timely manner (see separate post) and gave a very good description of the holding company $EVSV's current portfolio and partnerships (unable to copy - read in filing).
The Share Structure was updated on October 2, 2019 showing no significant dilution - just 182,500 shares added to the Unrestricted Outstanding count - which is only equivalent to about 7- > 8 trading days worth during the current status quo period between major moves.
The top traders in $EVSV aren't going to waste out time nickel and diming trying to fill on the bid when there is so much else going on with Watch List stocks to attend to daily. We will just take out everything on the ask under 1.000 at a time of our choosing.
Top traders who are the movers and shakers of $EVSV will continue the transfer of more of their profits from other trades into $EVSV up until the first hemp crop revenues come out.
Enviro-Serv, Inc. (EVSV) Stock Research Links
A very apposite motto for those who trade successfully in the OTC market..
All posts are my opinion - trade at your own risk.