$PBIO Mr. Schumacher explained that the Company ha
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Mr. Schumacher continued: "Our PCT platform supports our primary business, which is selling pressure-based instruments and consumables to research laboratories worldwide. Our customers include some of the world's foremost protein chemists, working in many of the finest academic, government, biotech, and phama laboratories around the globe. These scientists use PCT systems for a number of different protein, RNA, and DNA applications as they search to find new biomarkers of disease, diagnostic tools, druggable targets, and therapeutics."
Mr. Schumacher then expanded on the Company's late 2017 acquisition of BaroFold, Inc., which secured the development of their second division, their BaroFold BioPharma Services Division. This business unit uses selective and controllable high-pressure to "disaggregate and re-fold" problem proteins intended to be protein-based drugs but because they are aggregated (clumped together) or miss-folded, they can't be used as a therapeutic. The BaroShear platform can often convert the problem protein back to its correct native structure, which would allow it to be used as a drug. The Company works with manufacturers of protein drugs (of which there are many around the world) to help them correct their aggregated/miss-folded proteins, with the hope that when such proteins have been "fixed", they could be used as therapeutics to prevent, control, or cure diseases and disabilities. The Company has eight (

The Company's third revenue-generating division is based on their novel and new Ultra Shear Technology (UST) platform. "UST combines ultra-high pressure with intense shearing forces to produce stable, water-soluble nanoemulsions of oil-like products in water. A great example would be the ability to make CBD Oil disperse into water. We have two patents issued in China and believe they will be issued throughout the world in the coming year or two", explained Mr. Schumacher.
At this point in the interview, Mr. Jolly decided to dive deeper into the various business units of PBI. He noted that the Company's PCT platform had been recognized recently by prestigious research centers in China and Australia for its pivotal role in the discovery process of cancer biomarkers, as well as for its potential in clinical diagnostics. "Why is that so exciting?" asked Mr. Jolly.
Mr. Schumacher commented: "The system that was highlighted by researchers in two recent journal articles is the PCT system I spoke of just a few minutes ago. It allows scientists to break open cells in an entirely new, safe, and high-quality way".
Mr. Schumacher added that the PCT System developed by the Company uses high pressure to extract compounds from the cells (like "squeezing a sponge"

Mr. Schumacher also shared that the PCT platform is currently being utilized by these two prestigious facilities in the area of pathology. Currently, biopsy tissues are fixed in formalin and subsequently embedded in paraffin wax ("FFPE"

Mr. Schumacher expanded on this topic: "This means we have a method that scientists can use to extract valuable information on disease detection, progression, control, prevention, and eradication from an almost unlimited supply of biopsy samples."