$PBIO FFPE preserved tissue samples are an invalua
Post# of 21206

Mr. Richard T. Schumacher, President and CEO of Pressure BioSciences, commented: "It is estimated (Nature volume 448, pages 959–962, 23 August 2007) that well over one billion archival FFPE tissue samples exist in pathology and other laboratories worldwide. We believe there are millions of new FFPE tissue samples processed and stored each year. These samples offer the promise of unveiling invaluable information that can lead to the development of new treatments, cures, and preventive measures for cancer and many other diseases. However, up to now, it has been very difficult to extract this information from biomolecules in FFPE samples.”
Ms. Roxana McCloskey, Director of Marketing and Sales at PBI, said: “We believe that our PCT platform is establishing itself as the method of choice for the superior extraction of potential biomarkers and their presentation for the effective proteomic analyses that will propel the growth of this huge market. We expect this exciting, now proven application of our PCT Platform for protein biomarker discovery in fresh frozen and FFPE biopsy samples to manifest itself in increased instrument sales starting in the second half of 2019.”