My take away from the "thanks all patients" is for all injected patients as a whole, not just NASH (if there are any). The big detail that has not been discussed is that the "packaging" of the indications for partnership deals and the comment that they are not starting any of these trials immediately suggests that they are going to wait for a partner to pay for it first. The days of fund raising, no matter the conditions are gone. Cytodyn is not paying for any more trials period. They are giving the opportunity for a partner to pick up the ball and conduct the p2 and p3 trials. Cytodyn is just going to get paid for providing the drug and allowing the use for these trials and eventually get payments once marketed.
The thanking patients is a way of saying the heavy lifting is done, the company is moving into a different phase. The safety and efficacy from the HIV combo trial has paved everything else, making for a very quick and cheap option for a partner to run with.