Ask and you shall receive brother! Unfortunately
Post# of 7798
Ask and you shall receive brother! Unfortunately SOCOM is forever out of the message board scene. I think it was a good thing for him, we all know he was a little unstable lol. The guy is great, but piss him off and he is liable to show up at your front door and "convince" you never to do it again LMAO. I appreciate you stepping down as MOD and giving me the slot. When you told me that WH$%E SG had shown up here I just wanted the opportunity to delete that hooker into oblivion. It is so hard being the nice laid back guy over on ISLUT lol. You know me and SOCOM have a lot in comon. Guys we have a great thing here and Seven and I are going to get this board looking good (mostly seven because I was lucky just to register without shooting my laptop)!