Multiple updates debunking iHub basher / scammer n
Post# of 1208
"Apparently, some missed the highlights from June 10Q. YOY; Total Assets $3 Mill+ up $500K, Total liabilities down $1 Mill, Revenue up 200%+, Net Loss reduced by ½+, Cash up 10X, Operating expenses down by 1 Mill+ from $2.3 Mill to $1 Mill. CMA; $1.5 Mill Loan Paid off... $VYST"
"CEO personally guaranteed $3.5 mill loans, CEO & son loaned $500K to make the deal happen, pledged hard assets worth $1 Mill (real estate). Inventories $5.3 Mill+, Total assets over $10 Mill, Company now has $VYST"
"Vystar now has Netsuite $2 Mill Accounting Package, Shipping, Warehousing 100K+ SQ FT, Trucking throughout New England, Marketing Dept Staff of 11, Credit Department, and the list goes on and on.... $VYST"
Vystar Corp (VYST) Stock Research Links
A very apposite motto for those who trade successfully in the OTC market..
All posts are my opinion - trade at your own risk.