Wiki lists this spending on average in R&D per app
Post# of 148381
Another one, this one available also to compare, total cost/number of approved drugs
Phase 3 costs on average, looking for breakout of US, which I am guessing will be on the high end given the second paragraph:
Costs are particularly high for late-stage clinical trials, which often involve large cohorts of patients. According to Gen Li, president of Phesi—a company that claims to have the “industry’s most comprehensive and dynamic clinical trials database”— analysis of a sample of 4,363 phase 3 trials revealed an average cost of “around $30 million to implement” each.
The location of a trial also impacts its cost2. For example, in China or India, a clinical trial can be conducted for a cost that is 30–40% lower than it would be in the United States—for various reasons, including lower prices of testing procedures, such as an electrocardiogram. But the outsourcing of clinical trials to other countries is not without controversy.