I made almost the same comment privately to another person on this board. For all the supposed links to ACS that we've seen, and the fact we KNOW EndpointLock is absolutely 100% SFOR's property, we have not seen one thin dime from ACS; at least not from any research that I've seen or done myself. And it always seems like they are pushing out that huge lump sum payment by 12 months, every 11 months. What is going on there? It would be really nice if Mark would lay out in a lucid manner (if he is capable of that) exactly what the partnership structure is between SFOR and ACS. At the risk of exposing my ignorance, I never fully understood what that relationship is. If DSS is now on the record in their 10-Q as having paid (past tense) ACS for EndpointLock, I believe it is about damn time SFOR shareholders to get an answer to that question.