This chart: is the main reason longs keep on buying. The shorts don't know which arrow in Leo's quiver will be their Waterloo but they do know longs continue to buy despite their best efforts and refuse to sell. The reasons are simple IPIX has a pipeline that overcomes any negativity claimed by the minions of the shorts. They have watched the manipulation of shares day after day, they have watched their buy orders at the ask filled at the bid and they have seen the short sales reported by FINRA day after day. Those that read the message boards are able to discern who owns shares and who dosen't. They have watched as IPIX closed its first deal and they realize the potential for many more deals some of which could be huge. So fully realizing IPIX shares have the potential to create wealth while at the same time helping folks around the world with its science, when they can, they buy more shares. Keep playing your hand like a master Leo, your shareholders appreciate all that you are doing. Onward to NASDAQ!!! Go IPIX!!!