Here's a post on the Schlub that will be deleted s
Post# of 7798

AElmer Monday, 08/12/19 11:25:53 AM
Re: hedge_fun post# 58665 0
Post # of 58670
I never post on here but always read the posts to hear the different perspectives. Nonetheless, it is very clear that you will never have a positive outlook on Seafarer and the work that they are doing, regardless of what transpires. Always asked myself why and HOW you spend so much time criticizing a penny stock that you have no position in! Lol your meaningless comments are absolutely pathetic and have no merit whatsoever.
Shareholders are not complaining - only you and the other “Tinkerbell” haters that are PRAYING that this doesn’t take off (for some unknown reason). It is as simple as this: if you don’t like the stock, simply focus on others! There are plenty of stocks that I don’t see value in, but you won’t find me on all of their forums giving everyone my two cents. Ain’t no body got time for that!!
My opinion: Very small risk for a great reward! SFRX is undervalued like crazy. Looking forward to the next update!!