White previously said that it would make absolutely no sense to perform a R/S until such time the preferred shares are taken care of. He said what good would it do to perform a R/S now and get the O/S down when the Preferred shareholders could convert and run the O/S right back up? As we all know, White said they were working on something with the Preferred shareholders. Who knows how all that is going? So, it appears until the Preferred shareholders are taken care of, a R/S is off the table. Something else to consider, requirements to perform a R/S are more stringent now than in the past so there is no guarantee they could even get one approved if they wanted to. Also, White previously stated that the name change request under the old regime (Starkworthless) was denied. So, think about this, if they couldn''t get a name change approved, what makes anyone think a R/S could get approved? Exactly! At, this point, I wouldn't bank on any R/S unless something drastic changes.