I dont disagree with you, but honest dd does not fly on that board, I've seen good DD deleted as quickly as it was posted. There has been great DD over the years and about six months ago, that group took over (as they have with just about every other board they post). It got personal when they made it personal. And honestly, it wasn't against me, but several others. I cant stand bullying and I certainly cant stand watching people being crapped on just because someone is simply allowed to. Call it what you will, but the playing field is FAR from even, doesnt metter what DD is shown. Plain and simple, if you apply logic to the activities of those posters the ONLY conclusion is fraud. Nobody, and I mean nobody, posts daily egitive comments on all of the boards they are associated unless they are being compensated. It would be like me hanging out in a store I hate and bitching, complaining to everyone that comes in that I hate all their products and everything is garbage, the management sucks. It wouldn't got to that store. simple as that. There IS a reason they love to shit on people and it takes a special kind of shitbag to do that on the daily, even if they are being compensated.