the irony re: thumbs up .. is that there are very
Post# of 43065

who read this SMB .. *consistently* .. back in January 2019 when PTOI
was *run* yet again (i'm still split on whether it was a crew entering that hadn't
done DD or another NR .. non retail entity that had learned something
specific).. i rec'd multiple emails and some PMs from early P2O investors
asking me why PTOI had hit 8c b4 the auto reset back .. over several days
and one case over a week later
what one doing actual DD .. (and to be clear until P2O's CEO and BoD give
new eyes a reason to invest .. there will be few if any new eyes) .. can ascertain
is the consistency of those actual investors who remain invested in P2O
since mid August 2013 .. when the company was wrested back
that number remains between 450 and 485 (from 2013 to 2018) .. with the DTC .. snicker
being 1 of the 450/485
so as angst provoking as it always is to the original crew that illegally manipulated PTOI a decade back for the now statistically irrelevant *volume*
(lack of) and price run .. that P2O *remains* with many of her early actual investors' *invested*
it's why *volume* matters .. volume reveals always .. as in the washed efforts
of 2013/2014 @ 36M~ and change per and of course the washed efforts of 2017/2018 @ 13M~ and change per
when an OTC target outlasts and does so with a non blown out I/O (usually 1B
to 5B) a decade on .. and does so with those early investors whose CB is
far higher than 6c (reset in Jan 2014) and then 5c (reset in Oct 2014) .. NRs'
issues aren't just the obvious ones on display *here* and *there*
how very non surprising that NRs' *efforts* remain trying to get actual P2O
investors to *sell* @ this price point (024c)
i will reiterate .. the majority of those who wanted out of P2O via PTOI .. did so by 2014
so respective lines have long been drawn .. (5 years and counting) .. hmmm
the real issue NR has re: PTOI on the fungible OTC .. is one of settlement
and that reality gets displayed for all with interest if or when P2O executes
(imo that is first sale with monies exchanged) .. tho' there are other options
that may disturb NRs' *efforts* too .. discussed numerous times
actual P2O investors have their own barometers