If 5.8 million meters “leave the runway” and n
Post# of 11802
Oh really? What would that be? Violence? You'll come out to California and confront Mr. Berman directly or take a baseball bat to Mr. Berman's car like two former shareholders did several months ago? You'll stalk employees like shareholders have off and on for years? You'll make complaints to the SEC or DOJ? The iHub geniuses are way, way ahead of you and have been filing complaints for years.
Mr. Berman is CEO and you're not. If he wants to give away meters, because it is his job to determine these things, and he is empowered to do so, it is his business plan, not yours, and so if he gives away 1 million, 3 million, 5.8 million meters, it is his job and he can. You can't. You are a shareholder. Your power rests somewhere between non-existent and severely limited. If Mr. Berman wishes to ignore your threats, like many, many people, others of us have, he can. You don't like it, organize your own slate of directors, call a special meeting of shareholders and throw the BOD out and take over the company. It really is what you want anyway. The only thing you lack, IMO, is acclamation. So go seek acclamation. Line up 75 million votes for your plan. Do you have a plan, or is your plan all hatred, anger and bluff?
Nothing but a disgruntled old man using a message board under your third name here to stir trouble. Go confront Mr. Berman. Doing all of this work solely on message boards is cowardly.
So here are your real fears. You are afraid Mr. Berman will blow off your game of hatred and intimidation, and succeed. And his success would just kill you.