$TNRG Unveils Development of a Combustion Enhancem
Post# of 250622

TARPON SPRINGS, Fla., May 29, 2019 /PRNewswire/ —
Thunder Energies Corporation (TNRG), announced today the development of a novel Combustion Enhancement Kit to decrease the contaminants in the combustion of fossil fuels in available piston engines and improve their energy output (http://thunder-energies.com/combustion.php).
Dr. R. M. Santilli, Company Chief Scientist, states:
“In the preceding release https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/20...stion.html we announced the successful initiation of tests on our novel HyperCombustion of fossil fuels consisting of three stages: the first being conventional combustion; the second occurring with our proprietary equipment for the intent of burning combustible contaminants in the exhaust, such as carbon monoxide and hydrocarbon; and the third intended to achieve complete combustion of fossil fuels plus the activation of nuclear effects for much high energy outputs under the same fossil fuel consumption (https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2019/04/23/1807804/0/en/Thunder-Energies-Corporation-TNRG-Announces-Initiation-of-Tests-on-the-Novel-HyperCombustion.html).
I am pleased to announce that, subject to the availability of the necessary funds,
we have initiated the construction of a prototype Combustion Enhancement Kit for the second stage of our HyperCombustion, consisting of a kit applicable to commercially available, four cylinder,, electric generators and comprising the following proprietary components: illustrated in the figure: a specially designed DC power unit with a variac to select the desired power; four capacitors and related electronics; and four high temperature spark plugs; plus an exhaust analyzer available on request.”
“The application of the kit to the engine requires: the replacement of the spark plugs;
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