Copy of a post I made on iHub debunking nonsense f
Post# of 4419
Excellent updates today to the Verified Company Profile, new website, new Instagram and 2 videos showing the significant progress made in the preparation of the hemp field and construction of the hemp seed germination greenhouse.
We will now see hemp planting in about 3 to 4 weeks and can expect multiple updates ahead throughout 2019.
$EVSV was the #5 profit earner in 2018 for those that followed closely and traded correctly.
Following the successful r/s and significant buying up of 80% of the float at the cheapest prices in the .4000 to .6000 range, top traders in $EVSV are ready for the move into the $1 > $2 range in due course.
I'll be updating the Summary Of Progress of Diversification Into Hemp after the close for wide distribution.
Nobody that matters has been fooled by the artificially low walked down ask that retreats when hit or the occasional paint downs into the bid that have been attempted by manipulators over the past several weeks.
Authoritative $EVSV DD here:
Enviro-Serv, Inc. (EVSV) Stock Research Links
A very apposite motto for those who trade successfully in the OTC market..
All posts are my opinion - trade at your own risk.