Trading Summary - May 6 . A satisfactory statu
Post# of 4419
A satisfactory status quo day today for $EVSV,
See earlier contemporaneous reports.
Overall, another 675 shares were bought today - all were in the "as near to .4000 / .0002 as makes no difference" range under the .6000 equivalent of .0003 in "old"money.
Artificially low ask retreated to .5350 - which was hod on Friday - at open and stayed there all day.
Scamming attempts continued all weekend and today from the usual suspects on iHub: "Bionic Man", "getmoreshares" and "searay 2701".
They must be completely incompetent traders if they claim they made a loss - they should have easily made multiple $5-figures in 2018 and 2019 alone - let alone 2017 or earlier - and they still don't seem to realize even the current bid whack price is up on the r/s par - not down.
Enviro-Serv, Inc. (EVSV) Stock Research Links
A very apposite motto for those who trade successfully in the OTC market..
All posts are my opinion - trade at your own risk.