I do not take the financial aspect lightly but the
Post# of 72444

1. Just this month alone would have created financial dilution in ways we would have seem much more of in the sell count from convertible shares with the MFO if properly extrapolated by percentages.
2. R/S would have been already performed. It would be a horrendous move to wait all this time and now with rising share price. It would also layer about a dozen additional nefarious lawsuits once R/S is announced.
3. Assuming Kelt's email is real--- I've seen his posts for many years and do feel it's real, Leo's email stated that "business development" commenced in Q1 but said it specifically in a way that doesn't refer to business development in Q2. Business Development being licensing/partnership dealings for non dilutive financing.
4. This same email goes on to state that a shelved program will be restarted very soon. This contradicts the one indication scenario for partnership for a little amount and re-approaching a bigger deal later.
5. All PR's from company allude to material items without actually stating them for obvious purposes.
6. FDA minutes with very favorable terms and costs would bring share price to a level that would allow for better terms on dilutive financing. The PR would have stated the actual verbiage in order to drive price up. Leo knows only a partnership makes this thing go up significantly. He wants share price to increase more than anyone. It's not in his best interest to keep items like this under wraps UNLESS he has an NDA/CDA to maintain secrecy. --- The only other thought I have to keep this under wraps would be to keep out of the hands of Galera for competitive purposes.
I feel a deal is imminent and if there was a partner at the FDA meeting it would be disclosed in those minutes. I am hoping the 10Q gives us some details about where money may be coming from or maybe we get a press release before hand.
Brings me to the scenario of Galera, the hit piece, the lawsuit, the bashers, all have created a large amount of circumstantial evidence based on timelines to suggest this was orchestrated by one or multiple hedge funds in direct relations or more likely indirect relations with Galera. It's obvious but I won't go into it. Most of these individuals are masked and protected by large bodies of water and imaginary lines. This doesn't mean that the money isn't able to be followed. Almost immediately as Trump asked Russia to find the emails they started the process. Almost immediately that Leo stated B-OM was the golden indication, this ALL started. Circumstantial as it may be.
We will know a lot, soon enough...
Read More: https://investorshangout.com/messages/view?id...z5mtXvfiqw